Introduction to GLC
GLC Overview
Last Update: August 2024 - SV: Shrouded Fable
Greetings trainer! Welcome to the world of Gym Leader Challenge (GLC). GLC is a singleton Pokémon Trading Card Game format that is ripe with possibilities and strategies to explore. The rules of Gym Leader Challenge are simple:
Only one of each card with the same name per deck (except Basic Energy)
No Rule Box cards or ACE SPEC cards
Only one type (color) of Pokémon per deck
Cards printed from Black & White–on
No cards on the Ban List
However, mastering the format is no easy task. In GLC, resources are limited, which makes deck building and skillful in-game decisions critical to victory. Gym Leader Challenge is a rewarding gameplay experience that will have you wanting to refine your deck and battle again and again!
Unlike Standard Format, the largest barrier to entry for Gym Leader Challenge isn’t the cost of the deck. In fact, most Gym Leader Challenge decks can be obtained for less money than an Elite Trainer Box! (No, seriously). The biggest barrier to entry for GLC is card knowledge. The legal card pool for GLC includes all cards from 2011’s Black and White through the most recent Pokémon TCG expansions! That’s thousands of cards to consider! My goal in writing this article is to make it easier for players to learn about some of the best cards and strategies in Gym Leader Challenge. Let’s get started!
The Staples
Ball Guy
Bird Keeper
Boss’s Orders (or Lysandre)
Colress’s Experiment
Colress's Tenacity
Cynthia & Caitlin
Erika’s Hospitality
Green’s Exploration
Guzma & Hala
Hex Maniac
Mallow & Lana
Professor’s Research (or Professor Juniper/Sycamore)
Tate & Liza
Acro Bike
Battle Compressor
Battle VIP Pass
Buddy-Buddy Poffin
Escape Rope
Evolution Incense
Field Blower
Heavy Ball
Hisuian Heavy Ball
Level Ball
Nest Ball
Night Stretcher
Ordinary Rod
Pal Pad
Pokégear 3.0
Professor’s Letter
Quick Ball
Rare Candy
Rescue Stretcher
Scoop Up Net
Special Charge
Super Rod
Tag Call
Timer Ball
Town Map
Trainers’ Mail
Ultra Ball
VS Seeker
Air Balloon
Bravery Charm
Cape of Toughness
Fighting Fury Belt
Float Stone
Luxurious Cape
Muscle Band
Pot Helmet
Technical Machine: Evolution
Technical Machine: Turbo Energize
U-Turn Board
Chaotic Swell
Jubilife Village
Lost City
Parallel City
Silent Lab
Town Store
Training Court
Tropical Beach
Viridian Forest
Aurora Energy
Capture Energy
Counter Energy
Double Colorless Energy
Double Turbo Energy
Draw Energy
Gift Energy
Jet Energy
Prism Energy
Rainbow Energy
Recycle Energy
Reversal Energy
Therapeutic Energy
Triple Acceleration Energy
Twin Energy
Warp Energy
Weakness Guard Energy
Trainers/Energy by Pokémon Type
The Supporters and Items listed above are cards you might find in any Gym Leader Challenge deck, but some Trainer cards are only good in certain types of decks! Here are some Trainers and Energy that benefit only specific types of Pokémon.
Aether Paradise Conservation Area
Blend Energy [GRPD]
Bug-Catching Set
Gardenia’s Vigor
Net Ball
Turffield Stadium
Unit Energy [GRW]
Aqua Patch
Blend Energy [WFLM]
Brooklet Hill
Capacious Bucket
Dive Ball
Rough Seas
Splash Energy
Unit Energy [GRW]
Blend Energy [GRPD]
Dimension Valley
Fog Crystal
Horror [P] Energy
Mysterious Treasure
Mystery Energy
Old Cemetery
Spell Tag
Unit Energy [LPM]
Aspertia City Gym
Cheren’s Care
Powerful [C] Energy
Blend Energy [WFLM]
Metal Frying Pan
Metal Goggles
Metal Saucer
Mt. Coronet
Reverse Valley
Shield Energy
Unit Energy [LPM]
Blend Energy [GRPD]
Burning Energy
Fire Crystal
Giant Hearth
Magma Basin
Scorched Earth
Unit Energy [GRW]
Aether Paradise Conservation Area
Blend Energy [WFLM]
Electric Generator
Speed [L] Energy
Stormy Mountains
Unit Energy [LPM]
Blend Energy [WFLM]
Brooklet Hill
Focus Sash
Gutsy Pickaxe
Karate Belt
Martial Arts Dojo
Scorched Earth
Stone [F] Energy
Strong Energy
Team Magma’s Great Ball
Unit Energy [FDY]
Blend Energy [GRPD]
Dark Claw
Dark Patch
Devoured Field
Reverse Valley
Unit Energy [FDY]
Crystal Cave
Double Dragon Energy
Mysterious Treasure
Stormy Mountains
Sample Decks
Building your own deck is an amazing part of the Gym Leader Challenge experience, but not totally required to enjoy the intricate gameplay that GLC has to offer. Ultimately, your Gym Leader Challenge adventure can be as creative and unique as you want it to be! One of the most fun things you could do is stop reading right here, get a couple friends together and start building decks using the ruleset I’ve laid out so far with no spoilers. The sense of discovery in Gym Leader Challenge is part of the fun!
There is also something to be said for getting up to speed quickly, especially if you are trying to be competitive in Gym Leader Challenge. In the pages linked below, you’ll find my picks for the top Pokémon in each type with some example deck lists featuring them. Each of these lists is a good starting point, but should absolutely be changed and improved upon to your liking! Don’t settle here! Get to know your favorite type and feel free to play your favorite cards. That’s what it’s all about!
Decklists in the GLC Guide are updated at least every other set. At the top of the page is the last update to the guide (date and set). Featured Pokémon and staples are updated every set. For more decklists, make sure to join the Tricky Gym Discord!
Choose Your Type
About Fairy Type:
While Fairy is not banned from Gym Leader Challenge, it has been officially discontinued from the TCG. It is at a large disadvantage compared to every other type due to the fact it has two blocks less of cards to work with, and is no longer being printed. Due to this, it will not be included in the guide. Bold trainers who are still interested in Fairy can see some examples from online tournaments here.
You would think that being limited to a single copy of each card would make GLC decks inconsistent, but that is not the case! There are hundreds of Supporters to choose from and countless Items to help you execute your strategy consistently.
Before we dive in here, I want to acknowledge that looking at lists of cards can be a little intimidating, especially if you don't know what they all do. One of my favorite things to do is scroll through pkmncards.com and browse cards at my leisure! The website, developed by Adam Capriola, is an incredible Pokémon TCG database with excellent advanced search functions that will allow you to find the exact card you need for any situation. I cannot express how essential Adam's pkmncards.com is to the GLC experience. If you haven't used it yet, you're truly missing out!
That being said, if you don't wanna dig through every Trainer ever printed to find the good ones, here is a list of some of the most powerful Trainer cards that you are likely to encounter in Gym Leader Challenge.