When players ask me which Gym Leader Challenge type is best for getting started, I usually point them to Grass. That doesn’t mean that Grass is a beginners type or anything like that. Far from it! Grass won the second Full Grip Games GLC 1K and it took expert-level piloting by Mike Gibbs of Michigan to beat long time pros Grant Manley and Azul Garcia Griego in Top-4 and the finals respectively. Grass is just a lot of fun to play, relatively easy to set up and many of the support Pokémon are recently released or easily obtainable. In my mind, Grass embodies all the things that make Gym Leader Challenge fun and exciting! So if you think you’ve got a green thumb and wanna become a Grass Gym Leader on the level of Erika, Gardenia or Milo, you’ve come to just the right place!
Support Pokémon
Grass support is absolutely incredible. It has the best Pokémon search engine out of any type with Grovyle‘s Sunshine Grace and Grotle’s Sun-Drenched Shell, both of which allow you to search your deck for a Grass Pokémon and put it into your hand. With these Stage 1 Pokémon in play, you can set up your board and get attacking quickly and consistently. Rillaboom, Cherrim, and Venusaur form the core of many Grass decks, with Cherrim and Rillaboom both accelerating Energy into play, and Venusaur doubling up the Energy you have in play with its awesome Jungle Totem Ability.
Shining Genesect, Zarude and Sceptile all thrive when you are able to pile tons of Energy in play with Rillaboom or Cherrim. With three Energy attached, Zarude‘s Repeated Whip attack does a solid 120 damage. If you have Venusaur‘s Jungle Totem online, those three Energy become six Energy, and that 120 damage becomes a whopping 180 damage instead! There are also Grass attackers that take a more low maintenance approach. Jumpluff can do 120 Damage for a single energy while Torterra and Buzzwole have respectable two Energy attacks. Which attackers you choose will depend largely on which direction you want to take your Grass deck!
Rillaboom & Venusaur
Venusaur and Rillaboom form the core of what I consider to be the “quintessential” Grass deck. Rillaboom’s Voltage Beat Ability pumps two Energy into play every turn while Venusaur’s Jungle Totem Ability makes each of those Energy count as double! Setting up multiple evolution Pokémon can sometimes be tough, but for Grass, it’s a breeze! Grotle’s Sun-Drenched Shell Ability allows you to search your deck for a Grass Pokémon every turn while Roserade’s Le-Parfum allows you to search your deck for any card you want. Once the deck is set up, Zarude, Tapu Bulu, Brambleghast, and Torterra can OHKO anything the opponent sends your way.
Last Update: August 2024
Credit: Tricky Gym
1 Bramblin TEF 20
1 Brambleghast TEF 21
1 Bulbasaur DET 1
1 Ivysaur DEX 2
1 Venusaur SLG 3
1 Grookey TWM 14
1 Thwackey SHF 12
1 Rillaboom SSH 14
1 Roselia DRX 12
1 Roserade DRX 15
1 Tapu Bulu SFA 6
1 Turtwig UPR 6
1 Grotle BRS 7
1 Torterra BRS 8
1 Zarude CRE 19
1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
1 Bug Catching Set TWM 143
1 Evolution Incense SSH 163
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Level Ball BST 129
1 Nest Ball PAF 84
1 Net Ball LOT 187
1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
1 Quick Ball FST 237
1 Rare Candy PAF 89
1 Revitalizer GEN 70
1 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
1 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Timer Ball SUM 134
1 Ultra Ball PAF 91
1 VS Seeker PHF 109
1 Float Stone BKT 137
1 Artazon PAF 76
1 Jubilife Village ASR 148
1 Turffield Stadium CPA 68
1 Avery CRE 130
1 Ball Guy SHF 57
1 Boss's Orders (Ghetsis) PAL 172
1 Colress PLS 118
1 Cynthia UPR 119
1 Gladion CIN 95
1 Guzma BUS 115
1 Iono PAF 80
1 Marnie SSH 169
1 N FCO 105
1 Professor's Research PAF 87
1 Skyla RCL 166
1 Teammates PRC 141
11 Basic Grass Energy SVE 1
1 Herbal Energy FFI 103
Quick-Ripening Herb
One of the toughest things about getting Stage 2 Pokémon into play is the fact that Gym Leader Challenge decks are limited to one copy of Rare Candy! By utilizing Meganium’s Quick-Ripening Herb Ability, this deck can easily pop a new Stage 2 Pokémon into play every turn. This list features SIX different Stage 2 Pokémon, making it one of the most evolution-heavy decks in GLC.
Last Update: August 2024
Credit: allaboutthatbaisch
1 Chikorita LOT 5
1 Bayleef BKP 2
1 Meganium LOT 8
1 Oddish OBF 1
1 Roselia DRX 12
1 Roserade DRX 15
1 Smoliv SVI 21
1 Treecko LOT 20
1 Grovyle LOT 21
1 Sceptile PRC 8
1 Turtwig UPR 6
1 Grotle BRS 7
1 Torterra BRS 8
1 Wurmple LOT 24
1 Arboliva SVI 23
1 Beautifly LOR 8
1 Vileplume AOR 3
1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
1 Evolution Incense SSH 163
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Level Ball BST 129
1 Nest Ball PAF 84
1 Net Ball LOT 187
1 Quick Ball FST 237
1 Rare Candy PAF 89
1 Revitalizer GEN 70
1 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
1 Tag Call CEC 206
1 Ultra Ball PAF 91
1 VS Seeker PHF 109
1 Float Stone BKT 137
1 Luxurious Cape PAR 166
1 Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178
1 Artazon PAF 76
1 Turffield Stadium CPA 68
1 Apricorn Maker CES 124
1 Arven OBF 186
1 Ball Guy SHF 57
1 Colress PLS 118
1 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189
1 Faba LOT 173
1 Gladion CIN 95
1 Guzma BUS 115
1 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
1 Iono PAF 80
1 Klara CRE 145
1 Lana's Aid TWM 155
1 Lusamine CIN 96
1 N FCO 105
1 Peonia CRE 149
1 Professor Turo's Scenario PAR 171
1 Raihan EVS 152
1 Tate & Liza CES 148
4 Grass Energy XY 132
1 Capture Energy RCL 171
1 Recycle Energy UNM 212
1 Reversal Energy PAL 192
Festival Lead
Credit: zmancuddles
Credit: JD “cheesewizz”
Why attack just once, when you could attack twice? With Dipplin’s Festival Lead attack, you can swing twice with its Do the Wave attack so long as you have Festival Grounds in play. With Lurantis and its Sunny Day Ability, it is possible to swing for 120 damage two times with a full Bench! Thwackey pairs perfectly with Dipplin thanks to its Boom Boom Groove Ability, which allows you to search your deck for whatever card you want and put it into your hand so long as Dipplin is in the Active. And guess what? Thwackey also just so happens to evolve into the best Grass Support Pokémon, Rillaboom!
Last Update: August 2024
1 Applin RCL 21
1 Dipplin TWM 18
1 Fomantis SUM 14
1 Lurantis PR-SM SM25
1 Grookey TWM 14
1 Thwackey TWM 15
1 Rillaboom SHF 13
1 Hoppip EVS 2
1 Skiploom EVS 3
1 Jumpluff EVS 4
1 Roselia LOR 14
1 Roserade DRX 15
1 Shaymin SLG 7
1 Turtwig UPR 6
1 Grotle BRS 7
1 Torterra BRS 8
1 Zarude CRE 19
1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
1 Evolution Incense SSH 163
1 Evosoda XY 116
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Nest Ball undefined 181
1 Net Ball LOT 187
1 Night Stretcher SFA 61
1 Quick Ball FST 237
1 Rare Candy PAF 89
1 Revitalizer GEN 70
1 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
1 Stadium Nav UNM 208
1 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Town Map BKT 150
1 Ultra Ball PAF 91
1 VS Seeker PHF 109
1 Float Stone BKT 137
1 Muscle Band XY 121
1 Technical Machine: Evolution undefined 178
1 Artazon undefined 76
1 Festival Grounds TWM 149
1 Turffield Stadium CPA 68
1 Arven OBF 186
1 Ball Guy SHF 65
1 Colress PLS 118
1 Colress's Tenacity SFA 57
1 Guzma BUS 115
1 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
1 Iono PAF 80
1 Lusamine CIN 96
1 N FCO 105
1 Professor Kukui SUM 128
1 Teammates PRC 141
8 Basic Grass Energy SVE 1
1 Capture Energy RCL 171
1 Herbal Energy FFI 103
Stage 2 Pokémon can be stressful to get into play. So this grass deck trims out the fat and stays low to the ground with Cherrim and Eldegoss, favoring the speed of Stage 1 Pokémon over the board stability of Rillaboom and Venusaur. Use Eldegoss’ Cotton Lift Abililty to search out Grass Energy and Cherrim’s Spring Bloom Ability to put them into play!
Last Update: August 2024
1 Capsakid SVI 28
1 Scovillain SVI 29
1 Cherubi BRS 12
1 Cherrim BST 8
1 Gossifleur SSH 20
1 Eldegoss EVS 16
1 Roselia DRX 13
1 Roserade DRX 15
1 Tapu Bulu SFA 6
1 Tropius PAL 7
1 Turtwig UPR 6
1 Grotle BRS 7
1 Torterra BRS 8
1 Zarude CRE 19
1 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
1 Escape Rope BST 125
1 Evolution Incense SSH 163
1 Field Blower GRI 125
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Level Ball BST 129
1 Nest Ball PAF 84
1 Net Ball LOT 187
1 Pokégear 3.0 SVI 186
1 Professor's Letter BKT 146
1 Revitalizer GEN 70
1 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
1 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Superior Energy Retrieval PAL 189
1 Timer Ball SUM 134
1 Ultra Ball PAF 91
1 VS Seeker PHF 109
1 Energy Pouch FCO 97
1 Muscle Band XY 121
1 U-Turn Board UNM 211
1 Chaotic Swell CEC 187
1 Turffield Stadium CPA 68
1 Arven OBF 186
1 Avery CRE 130
1 Ball Guy SHF 65
1 Boss's Orders (Ghetsis) PAL 172
1 Colress PLS 118
1 Cynthia UPR 119
1 Gladion CIN 95
1 Guzma BUS 115
1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
1 Marnie CPA 56
1 N FCO 105
1 Professor's Research PAF 87
1 Raihan CRZ 140
1 Teammates PRC 141
2 Basic Fire Energy SVE 2
8 Basic Grass Energy SVE 1
Elusive Feather
These bugs may be small but they pack a powerful punch! This deck makes use of the low maintenance attacks of Pokemon like Kartana to take early KO’s or set up damage for Jumpluff to possibly take a two prize turn. You also have an interesting strategy revolving around your hand size to utilize the different effects of Kricketune’s attack. Having a one card hand may seem bad, but if that card is Beedrill, you can put it straight into play with it’s powerful Elusive Master ability and get right back into the game!
Last Update: August 2024
Credit: Pelet & Vltem
1 Combee ASR 11
1 Vespiquen LOT 32
1 Hoppip EVS 2
1 Skiploom EVS 3
1 Jumpluff EVS 4
1 Kartana UNB 19
1 Kricketot BKP 5
1 Kricketune ASR 10
1 Roselia LOR 14
1 Roserade DRX 15
1 Turtwig UPR 6
1 Grotle BRS 7
1 Torterra BRS 8
1 Yanma ASR 6
1 Yanmega SHF 2
1 Beedrill VIV 3
1 Adventure Bag LOT 167
1 Capturing Aroma SIT 153
1 Escape Rope BST 125
1 Feather Ball ASR 141
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Level Ball BST 129
1 Nest Ball PAF 84
1 Net Ball LOT 187
1 Pokégear 3.0 SVI 186
1 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
1 Professor's Letter BKT 146
1 Quick Ball FST 237
1 Revitalizer GEN 70
1 Scoop Up Net RCL 165
1 Timer Ball SUM 134
1 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
1 Ultra Ball PAF 91
1 Float Stone BKT 137
1 Muscle Band XY 121
1 Wishful Baton BUS 128
1 Lost City LOR 161
1 Turffield Stadium CPA 68
1 Apricorn Maker CES 124
1 Ball Guy SHF 65
1 Boss's Orders (Ghetsis) PAL 172
1 Cynthia UPR 119
1 Gladion CIN 95
1 Green's Exploration UNB 175
1 Guzma BUS 115
1 Guzma & Hala CEC 193
1 Marnie CPA 56
1 Peonia CRE 149
1 Raihan CRZ 140
1 Tate & Liza CES 148
8 Basic Grass Energy SVE 1
1 Aromatic Grass Energy VIV 162
1 Capture Energy RCL 171
Looking for more ideas or feedback on your deck?
Check out the Tricky Gym Discord’s #glc-decklists channel and Cardboard Warriors Community Decks page for more inspiration!