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Tricky Gym - Videos and Streams
Gym Leader Challenge was created by Andrew Mahone during the summer of 2021 and has been enjoyed by Pokémon players of all skill levels around the world! Andrew creates regular GLC content on Tricky Gym, his Youtube channel and Twitch stream. You can view all of his Gym Leader Challenge related videos in the two playlists below.
Twitch Stream
Main Channel
Stream VOD Channel
CardBoard Warriors - Articles, Analytics, Tools, and Tournaments
morsemakes - Full Grip Games GLC League Coverage
Ben Morse is a Full Grip Games local player who is creating content at Full Grip’s weekly Gym Leader Challenge tournament series. He is tracking data and standings at his website and making really fun content, including recording matches and providing commentary. Come see some great matches and what the scene is like for Gym Leader Challenge with his videos!
CardBoard Warriors is a wonderful website and resource. Check out their community written articles, player and deck spotlights, in-depth analytics, and play in their online tournament series!